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- Create Date 24/01/2025
- Last Updated 24/01/2025
NazMart – Tenant Shop Flutter Mobile App
NazMart is a cutting-edge Tenant Shop Flutter Mobile App designed to provide an efficient and user-friendly shopping experience for both tenants and customers. This app serves as a mobile platform for tenants to showcase and sell their products, creating a seamless shopping environment. Here is a list of key features provided by NazMart:
Tenant Registration and Onboarding
Product Listing and Display
Multi-category Product Organization
Product Details and Descriptions
High-quality Product Images
Search and Filter Functionality
Secure Login and Authentication
Shopping Cart Management
User-friendly Checkout Process
Multiple Payment Options
Order History and Tracking
Push Notifications
Product Ratings and Reviews
Wishlist and Favorites
User Profile Management
Responsive Design
Multi-language Support
Tenant Dashboard for Product Management
Tenant Order Processing
Order Confirmation and Receipts
Real-time Inventory Tracking
Special Offers and Discounts
Customer Support Chat
In-app Messaging with Customers
Customer Feedback and Ratings
Order Status Updates
Address Book Management
Secure Payment Integration
User Notifications
GDPR Compliance
Seamless Navigation
Analytics and Insights
Continuous App Updates
User-friendly Interface
Tenant-specific Promotions
Flash Sales and Time-limited Offers
Customizable Branding
Secure Data Encryption
Multi-platform Compatibility
QR Code Scanning for Product Details
Social Media Integration
Easy Returns and Refunds
Dynamic Product Carousel
Tenant Loyalty Programs
Tenant-Specific News and Updates
Tenant Performance Analytics
Product Comparison Features
App Version Updates
Comprehensive Admin Dashboard