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- Create Date 25/01/2025
- Last Updated 25/01/2025
LMS | Learning Management System, Education LMS WordPress Theme
LMS is a comprehensive WordPress theme designed for creating online learning management systems and educational websites. With its modern and customizable design, extensive feature set, and intuitive interface, LMS makes it easy to create engaging and effective online learning experiences.
List of Features:
Responsive Design
One-Click Demo Import
Visual Composer Integration
Slider Revolution Integration
Learning Management System (LMS) Integration
Multiple Homepage Layouts
Course Creation and Management
Course Categories and Tags
Course Enrollments
Course Reviews and Ratings
Course Completion Certificates
Course Quizzes and Assignments
Course Videos and Lectures
Course Pricing and Discounts
Course Wishlist
Instructor Profiles
Student Profiles
Forum Integration
Blogging Options
Translation Ready.