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- Create Date 25/01/2025
- Last Updated 25/01/2025
WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments
WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments is a powerful extension that enables you to create custom rules and restrictions for shipping methods and payment gateways in your WooCommerce online store. This feature allows you to tailor the checkout experience to your specific requirements and improve the overall customer experience. Here is a list of the key features offered by WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments:
Custom Shipping Method Rules
Custom Payment Gateway Rules
Conditional Logic Based on Cart Contents
Conditional Logic Based on Order Value
Location-Based Rules
Customer Role-Based Rules
Product Category-Based Rules
Shipping Class-Based Rules
Stock and Inventory-Based Rules
Date and Time-Based Rules
Shipping Zone-Based Rules
Restrictions Based on Coupons
Exclusions for Specific Products
Integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions
Integration with WooCommerce Memberships
Multilingual Support
Developer-Friendly Hooks and Filters
Responsive Design Compatibility
Compatibility with Other WooCommerce Extensions
Extensive Documentation
Dedicated Support and Updates
GDPR Compliance
Import and Export Settings