- Version [version]
- Download [download_count]
- File Size 0.00 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 25/01/2025
- Last Updated 25/01/2025
YITH WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products Premium
Introducing YITH WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products Premium, a powerful plugin designed to enhance user experience and increase sales in your WooCommerce store by showcasing the products that customers have recently viewed. This plugin offers various customization options and display styles to suit your store’s unique requirements. Here is a comprehensive list of features this plugin has to offer:
Easy Integration with WooCommerce
Seamless Recently Viewed Products Configuration
Mobile Responsive Design
Performance Optimization
Multilingual Compatibility
RTL Language Support
Developer Friendly API
CSS and JavaScript Customization
Extensive Documentation
Retina Support
Accessibility Features
Regular Plugin Updates
Dedicated Customer Support
Customizable Recently Viewed Products Widget
Integration with Third-Party Plugins
User Role-based Access
Import and Export Plugin Settings
Compatible with Popular WordPress Themes
Customizable Display Position
Pre-built Display Layouts
Customizable Product Image Size
Customizable Product Information Display
Integration with WooCommerce Product Categories
Selectable Number of Displayed Products
Time-based Recently Viewed Products Management
Customizable Product Sorting Options
Compatibility with Popular Page Builders
Recently Viewed Products Gutenberg Block
Developer Hooks and Filters
Shortcode Support
Integration with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
Customizable Product Display Exclusions
Customizable Call-to-Action Buttons
Customizable Product Display Carousel
Integration with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
Responsive Design for Mobile Devices
Customizable Product Display Template
Integration with YITH WooCommerce Compare