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- Create Date 25/01/2025
- Last Updated 25/01/2025
WooCommerce Brands
WooCommerce Brands is a comprehensive and feature-rich extension designed to enhance your online store by allowing you to easily create, manage, and showcase various brands and their products. By integrating this extension, you can provide a more organized shopping experience for your customers, while also improving your store’s overall functionality. The following is a list of the most notable features included in WooCommerce Brands:
Brand Creation and Management
Brand Logo and Description
Brand Thumbnail Support
Brand Filtering and Sorting
Customizable Brand Widgets
Brand Shortcodes and Template Tags
Brand-specific Archive Pages
AJAX Layered Navigation Support
Product-Brand Association
Import and Export Functionality
Brand-related Cross-selling and Up-selling
SEO-friendly Brand URLs
Brand Taxonomy Support
Multilingual and Currency Support
Responsive Design and Mobile Optimization
Seamless Integration with WooCommerce
Compatibility with Popular Themes and Plugins
Extensive Documentation and Support
Regular Updates and Improvements
Developer-friendly Hooks and Filters